ECMC annual meeting and mr Leather Euopre 2024 competition Milaanos 28.-30.oct.2023
Last Saturday, the fiftieth Annual General Meeting of ECMC took place in Milan, hosted by Leather Friends Italia.
Working groups that were initiated at the previous AGM crafted proposals to develop the ECMC into a modern roof organization. The program is beginning to bear fruit. This year’s proposals were well-received and accepted allowing us to take concrete measures.
The full membership admission of Leatherman of Ireland was approved, and we wish its members a fruitful journey within ECMC.
A thank you to Arthur Peremans, who, after many years of service, is leaving the club’s secretariat. Richard from Leathermen of Cymru remains in office, joined by Sebastian from Leathemen of Switzerland and Andrea from Leather Friends Italia.
The 69 Club Trophy, recognizing achievements in the leather and fetish community, was awarded by the ECMC secretariat to Leathermen Scotland.
The election for Mr. Leather Europe 2024 took place during the gala dinner and was won by Tom Keller of Leathermen of London.
A heartfelt thanks to all the delegates who actively participated in the working groups and believe in ECMC.
Next year, the AGM will be hosted by Leathermen of Switzerland in the city of Zurich.
In brotherhood,
Richard, Sebastian, Andrea
Secretariat of ECMC